The Cruel Death of Michael Conway by the Hands of the Butte Police --- And the Life they had afterwards!
MICHAEL CONWAY - Born November 7th, 1890 Died August 6th, 1916 As his headstone reads in the Holy Cross cemetery in Butte, Montana: Beloved son of Michael and Margaret Conway and Dear Brother of James Patrick Catherine and Owen. Laid to rest under a Montana Sky, May his soul find peace in Co Mayo Michael Conway, along with his brothers, left their home in Co. Mayo, Ireland in 1910, finally ending up on the richest hill on Earth, the Devil may care diamond in the rough; Butte, Montana. 6 years later, at the age of 25, Michael was dead, a week after a beating by two of Butte's "finest" police with their billy clubs. Michael Conway was born in County Mayo, Ireland, in 1889. He emigrated to Philadelphia in 1910, and arrived with his brothers in Butte in 1914. They lived at 48 West Woolman and all three worked at the Black Rock Mine. In August 1916, after drinking at Con People's pub, he was killed by two police officers who said he resisted arrest. But according to eye wi...